I was just winding down and going to bed, when I was closing facebook and saw a feminist post. I am a feminist so I clicked on it, but I wish I hadn’t. It was about abortion, and the comments on it were mostly awful, I mean, there are so many ignorant people out there, and I honestly became quite upset reading their responses. It probably doesn’t help that I was reading http://not-homophobic-but.tumblr.com/ earlier today, and was therefore a bit riled up already.
I just am really very upset with the arguments pro-lifers provide for the most part. Also the way people talk about feminism, and the way people justify using words like gay as slang.
I just can’t even deal with it, I’m so tired.
Please don’t ever talk to me about politics or feminism or human rights or abortion or any of it when I’m tired, it’s too frustrating.
I mean, how can people say, everything is equal now, how can they convince themselves that is true?
fASDKFASKDLFSKDFSDKF I need sleep, goodnight.
Please read the following on the difference between being a fetus and being a human being. If even one of you reads it I might feel a little better. I mean, what can be done besides one person at a time learning and gradually understanding.