Tag Archives: crafts


I may post some better pics tomorrow but here’s the floral purse I made today. I had a little silver bag that I covered with this fabric. I then stitched thick ribbon in half with green yarn to make it into a shoulder bag (the short silver straps were discarded). I used some pink beads to add flowers. Ta Da!

Actually very proud of this but it took forever

I am making valentines heart stamps that say love (or have initials or another 4 letter word on them)

If you want one or to check out more pictures click the picture… or here.

To see my valentines card you can click this sentence.

Or just check out my shop, Cool Stuff I Want.

Hey guys, I posted some more stuff at my Etsy shop!

Check out Cool Stuff I Want to Buy, my new etsy shop! http://www.etsy.com/shop/CoolStuffIWant

My space cat shirt came today!

Also wearing some of the bobby pins I made pretty colors by painting them with nail polish.



Felt art and clothing by Sarah-Maria, in the Australian rainforest at Mullumbimby.

“I love making these clothes and am very passionate about it, I hope people can enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them. It’s so much fun :)”

Reminds me of home.


Doing this!  Painted bobby pins to match my nails. 

I’m all about fashion subtleties.  As in, the kind of style nobody notices until an awkward moment passes when we’ve both run out interesting things to say…


DIY Colorful Bobby Pins

Wanna add some color to your summer tresses? Well this d.i.y. couldn’t be easier! I’m talking seconds peeps. (It’s actually taking me longer to write this amazeballs post for you.) 

– bobby pins or hair clips of your choice (doesn’t matter if they’re old & crusted because they’re about to get a makeover!)
– nail polishes
– a piece of paper/cardstock/index card

1. Space your bobby pins out on the piece of paper. (Pictured) 
2. With your favorite nail polish in hand, lightly brush the top of bobby pin with polish until fully coated. (I only used 1 coat of polish, but would assume additional coats would only make the pins that much sweeter!) ***For Color-Blocked pins, see below! 
3. Let dry.

**How to Create Color-Blocked Bobby Pins:
My pins had 5 “ridges” on the surface so I simply noted where the top of the 3rd ridge was & made sure that marker was where 1 polished ended & the other began.

I’ve also noted all the different colors of ZOYA nail polishes I used for this project (pictured). Hope you find some cool colors you love just as much I did 😀 

Good luck my friends!


P.s. sorry for the major TYPO in my 1st pic guys :/ COLORFUL Bobby Pins…COLORFUL ;] 

Oooh, must try sometime, I was just thinking about acquiring some colourful bobby pins 🙂


Felted animals by builtonbranches


gah, the adorable