Tag Archives: Heroes


I was just thinking about tv shows with groups of main characters, like Lost, and Big Bang theory. Or even casts with two main characters like Life with Derek, or a romantic pair like 18 to life (um can you guess what I just watched?) Even in these cases I feel as if there is a main main character, and I think other people feel the same way. I mean for me, Jack – Lost, Leonard – BBT, Casey – Life with Derek, Tom – 18 to Life. All these choices seem very obvious to me on the surface, but recently I realized that my opinions aren’t necessarily shared. In fact, chances are lots of people feel like Locke or the Island itself is the main character of Lost, and that Sheldon is the main character of BBT, and Derek is the main character in Life with Derek, and Jessie is more interesting then Tom in 18 to Life. When a lot of emphasis and screen time is given to several central characters I think we choose the one we relate the most with as the main character. Or the one we find the cutest. You know. Someone you feel you’re like, you’d like to be like, or you’d like to be with (in either a friendship or romantic sense.) I think the fictitious relationships you build between yourself and the characters, and the empathy you have for them is a big factor in what makes a show interesting. Which is why shows with moderate to large casts, like Lost and BBT and Heroes and Friends and even How I Met Your Mother (Even though I may argue that NPH is the driving factor of success here) are so popular. There are more characters that you may relate to or want to be like or want to be with. That keeps you watching.

P.S. Perhaps reading Malcolm Gladwell again leads me to analyze stuff. I just read the chapter of the Tipping Point on Sesame Street and Blues Clues, or “The Stickiness Factor.”