MCM 7: Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl gets a mention because it’s probably the worst thing I’ve watched on Netflix ever. (Unless the iSteve ‘documentary’ was on there in which case that was – but I didn’t finish that so it doesn’t really count).

However, I’m pretty far into it now, and I must say, no matter my low opinion I really want Blair and Chuck to end up together. They are definitely the most interesting part of the show.

I think in real life girls like Serena aren’t well liked but I don’t know if that’s because of their bad luck, or the way media encourages female animosity, or because they make the same mistakes over and over without learning and that wears on even the most patient friends and lovers. Maybe girls like her don’t really exist anyways.

P.S. I cheated and checked who gossip girl was like 6 episodes in and now I notice all the places it lines up and doesn’t and that’s probably the second best part of watching after antagonizing over Blair/Chuck.

P.S.S. I think what makes this show bad is that pretty much all the characters are unlikeable, often on a lot of levels.