Tag Archives: baggage


Prompt: baggage. All the literal baggage I carried around with me yesterday.

We’re going to sneak this one in late


Today’s prompt: baggage. I heard the song ‘Crying on a suitcase’ by Casey James on my drive home and thought it was appropriate. It’s a song about a man trying to rush to the airport to stop his love from leaving on a plane after a breakup, and its pretty dang catchy!

I decided to make a suitcase with stickers for every country I’ve visited (and every province I’ve lived in). I want to thank Europe for having rediculously easy-to-draw flags. On a related note, wtf BC, wtf….

Adam’s entry for today is a shocking exposé

Adam’s entry for today is a shocking exposé


Prompt: Baggage


Maya’s drawing for today is really great!